Hai, sudah lama saya nggak nulis disini.

Beberapa waktu lalu, teman saya Budi meramal kepribadian saya melalui suatu situs dari jepang. Dan hasilnya :

You are Silver Raccoon who don't startle people with flashy behaviors, and are extremely nice person.
You don't just react with passing ideas.
With strong will and ability to get things done, you finish what you have started tenaciously, and come up with constant results.
However, this could be your weak point too.
You believe your plan is a perfect one, so you don't listen to other people's advice, and therefore makes you seem like a hard headed person.
Your action is reasoned and poised.
But you may loose to find the solution by thinking too much.
You may end up having unnecessary fear and unnecessary hesitation.
You have luck in money matters.
You seem to be not interested in success, but you are actually waiting to present your research result that you had been carrying out.
To be successful, it is important to meet lots of people, and by exchanging opinions, you should try to understand other people's ideas and try and be more flexible.
If you attend parties where people from different industries are gathered, it could be of great use to you in the future.
You respect order and dislike competition.
So you would show great abilities in backroom office of stable organizations.

Hasilnya ada benernya sih tapi yang paling penting yang digaris bawah tuh. hahaha

Percaya ramalan sebenernya gak boleh sih menurut agama. Tapi ya bolehlah untuk cukup tahu supaya bisa jadi bahan instrospeksi diri, bener nggak sih kayak gitu.